Affordable Housing Month 2023

Events Calendar is live

Affordable Housing Month is around the corner! Take a look at some of the events that we have planned for this year’s Affordable Housing Month! Visit our website to learn more.

Sponsor Affordable Housing Month

Last year, our sponsors helped us engage hundreds of new and returning supporters. Join us this year to commemorate our affordable housing partners’ achievements, learn about new challenges, and mobilize in response to our region’s housing shortage.

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What is Affordable Housing Month?

Every year, the Housing Leadership Council of San Mateo County (HLC) and our partners dedicate the month of May to affordable housing. We engage hundreds of housing supporters around San Mateo County to collectively learn, mobilize, and understand the positive and extensive impact affordable housing brings. We do this by offering the opportunity of attending informative workshops, groundbreakings, housing policy panels, affordable housing tours, and more. 


Housing Element

Short housing element update this month, the calm before the storm: Over the next two weeks, we expect at least 8 cities to receive their second review letters from the state department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). That’s because all of those cities submitted their second draft housing elements to HCD for review at the end of January, aiming to submit a draft before the January 31 deadline.

For its second round of review, HCD has 60 days from the date a draft is submitted to send their review letter (compared to the first round, in which HCD had 90 days). This next round will be a litmus test for cities in San Mateo County: How much more policy change, if any, will be necessary for cities to receive certification from the state. 

In other local news, Pacifica’s housing element public comment period comes to an end on March 27. The city’s draft housing element proposes a handful of rezonings on commercial sites as well as the dedication of land on several city-, school-, and CalTrans-owned sites for affordable homes. 

Have questions about Housing Element? Contact Jeremy at


YIGBY Updates

Faith leaders from the Peninsula Solidarity Cohort at SB4 Rally in Sacramento.

Big Steps for YIGBY!

Exciting news to report on YIGBY. On Tuesday, March 21st, six faith leaders from San Mateo County braved the wind and rain to travel to Sacramento to participate in an SB4 rally. We joined a huge crowd from the carpenters’ union as well as some peninsula YIMBY folks in a powerful and enthusiastic rally in support of SB4. The chants reverberated through us– “What do we want? HOUSING!!! When do we want it? NOW!!!” Pastor Marlyn Bussey from San Mateo offered the opening prayer for the rally, followed by speakers that included Senator Scott Weiner, Assemblymembers Buffy Wicks, and Tina Mckinnor,  along with passionate speeches by key leaders of the Carpenters Union. 

It was so moving to witness the power of a broad coalition and to be surrounded by people from all different sectors so deeply committed to building affordable housing. Abram Diaz, policy director for NPH, lauded the day's success: “ It really makes an enormous difference to show the diversity of support on this bill. I think we sent a collective resounding message to the legislators that this is the year!”

After the rally, we marched with our umbrellas to the Capitol Building, where we all could voice our strong support for SB4 to the Senate Housing Committee. That support, and all the hard work by so many people that preceded it, resulted in a 9-1 YES vote!

This is a huge step forward! Next step, SB4 goes to the Senate Governance and Finance Committee in early April. Keep that support coming!

Rev. Penny Nixon

Faith Director, HLC


Policy Updates

C/CAG Survey 

The City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG) is undergoing an equity assessment process to develop its Equity Framework. This will support the agency’s efforts to ensure that current and future programs and processes address all potential opportunities to improve equity and opportunity in San Mateo County. 

Part of the Framework development process involves obtaining input and perspective from historically underserved and impacted communities and demographics (Equity Priority Communities – EPC’s). EPC’s areas that have high concentrations of the following demographics:

  • people of color
  • low-income households
  • limited English proficiency
  • zero-vehicle households
  • seniors 
  • single-parent families
  • rent-burdened households

If you or you know someone who identifies with the above, C/CAG would like you to complete this questionnaire by Friday, April 10, 2023.

Feel free to direct your questions to

San Mateo Anti Displacement Coalition Website is live!  

The San Mateo Anti-Displacement Coalition (SMADC) provides a space for diverse organizations to work together to protect San Mateo County’s low-income communities of color from being displaced. 

Over the last year, SMADC has sent over a dozen public comment letters to jurisdictions in San Mateo County describing best practices for a just cause for eviction ordinance. “Just cause from eviction” protections limit the ability of landlords to evict tenants for no reason, which can destabilize households, causing displacement and homelessness. The entire state of California has had so-called just cause protections since the passage of AB 1482 in 2018, but the state regulations have several loopholes that still allow displacement. 

SMADC’s just cause letter presents ten proposals to close loopholes in statewide tenant protections to ensure renters in San Mateo County do not face needless eviction. Each of these proposals provides stability to renters and limits displacement risk. HLC is particularly excited by proposals to increase no-fault eviction relocation payouts and extend just cause to tenants from day one–no-fault evictions disrupt lives and cause displacement no matter how long a tenant has lived in the area. 

Click here to learn more about the San Mateo Anti-Displacement Coalition and the initiatives we’re working on.



✧Cafecito con Noelia Corzo✧ 

Join the supervisor for a cup of coffee this Saturday in San Mateo. Sign up here!

NAACP GALA: Housing Justice is Racial Justice  

Reverend Penny Nixon received the outstanding community service award at the NAACP Gala.

Two Sundays ago, HLC attended the San Mateo County NAACP annual gala. This was the first gathering since the pandemic began in 2020. It was a monumental moment where community leaders and allies addressed the biggest challenges to equity in the county; housing being named one.  

Housing discrimination, insecurity, affordability, and homelessness are all equity issues. In San Mateo County, people of color are overrepresented among those experiencing homelessness, overcrowding, and are the most rent burdened. The need for affordable homes is at an all-time high and a top issue for community leaders. HLC is proud to support elected officials, city staff, and community leaders to advance the equity gap in their communities.


HLC News

✧We are hiring a Policy Intern✧

Are you or someone you know looking for an internship in affordable housing? We are hiring a Policy Intern at HLC! 

✧HLC in the News✧

Sometimes when we speak, we make the news. Click on the links below to see some of what we’ve been up to!

Redwood City - Housing Element

Redwood City - 37 new affordable homes by Habitat for Humanity


Housing Leadership Council of San Mateo County
2905 S El Camino Real  | San Mateo, California 94403
650-242-1764 |

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